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3 results

[1939 National Air Races, Cleveland, Ohio]
Film footage of the 1939 National Championship Air Races, Cleveland, Ohio, 1939. The footage includes scenes of aerobatics, formation flying, parachute jumps, air races, officials, and spectators. Identified aircraft include: 00:03:45 - Monocoupe Model 11000:04:10 - U.S. Army Air Corps Curtiss P-36 Hawks00:04:27 - U.S. Army Air Corps Boeing XB-1500:07:37 - Grumman F3Fs, likely U.S. Navy or Marine…
[William A. Daniel oral history interview (Part 3 of 3)]
In this three-part oral history, fighter ace William A. Daniel is interviewed by Eugene A. Valencia about his military service with the United States Army Air Corps. In part three, Daniel continues to discuss his experiences as an Army Air Corps pilot during World War II. Topics discussed include his stateside assignments prior to his overseas deployment; his time with the 31st Fighter Group in…
[Louis William Chick, Jr. oral history interview (Part 2 of 2)]
In this two-part oral history, fighter ace Louis W. “Bill” Chick, Jr. discusses his military service with the United States Army Air Forces. In part two, he provides clarifying details regarding his wartime experiences and the combat missions discussed in the previous interview.