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92 results

[Grumman F6F Hellcat aircraft crashed nose down on USS Essex]
Photograph of a Grumman F6F Hellcat aircraft crashed nose down on the USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1944. The pilot is still in the cockpit.Inscription on verso: "D-13 / (Cropped?)."Part of a disassembled album containing materials related to Paul J. Madden's service with the U.S. Navy during World War II, circa 1940-1945.
[Grumman F6F Hellcat aircraft crashed nose down on USS Essex]
Photograph of a Grumman F6F Hellcat aircraft crashed nose down on the USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1944. The pilot is still in the cockpit. Inscription on verso: "AG-15 F6F / Essex / 1944."Caption on album page: "Bad landing."Part of a disassembled album containing materials related to Paul J. Madden's service with the U.S. Navy during World War II, circa 1940-1945.
[Grumman F6F Hellcat aircraft crashed nose down on USS Essex]
Photograph of a Grumman F6F Hellcat aircraft crashed nose down on the USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1944-1945. Inscription on verso: "Visiting F-6-F makes an embarrassing landing."Part of a disassembled album containing materials related to Paul J. Madden's service with the U.S. Navy during World War II, circa 1940-1945.
[Collision between Vought F4U Corsair aircraft and General Motors TBM Avenger aircraft]
Photograph of a collision between a Vought F4U Corsair aircraft (fuselage designation 180) and a General Motors TBM Avenger aircraft (fuselage number 183), USS Essex (CV-9), 1945. Inscription on verso: "Essex -- 1945 / AG-83 F4U crash landing / Plane still moving -- hit TBM."Part of a disassembled album containing materials related to Paul J. Madden's service with the U.S. Navy during World War…
[Vought F4U Corsair aircraft landing on top of 20mm guns]
Photograph of a Vought F4U Corsair aircraft (fuselage designation 227) landing on top of 20mm guns, USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1943-1945. Inscription on verso: "VF-83 F4U lands in 20mm's."Part of a disassembled album containing materials related to Paul J. Madden's service with the U.S. Navy during World War II, circa 1940-1945.
[Servicemen extinguishing fire from crashed Vought F4U Corsair aircraft]
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen extinguishing a fire from a crashed Vought F4U Corsair aircraft, USS Essex (CV-9) circa 1943-1945. The caption information notes that the Corsair skidded on the wet deck during takeoff.Inscription on verso: "Essex / F4U taking off at dawn slipped on the wet deck and crashed into catwalk. Pilot was picked up by destroyer / D09."Caption on verso: "F4U taking off,…
[Wrecked Curtiss JN-4 Jenny aircraft]
Photograph of a wrecked Curtiss JN-4 Jenny aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Inscription: "Marshal - Boggs."Part of a scrapbook containing items related to Sidney Van Wyck Peters' service with the 24th Aero Squadron during World War I, circa 1917-1919.
[Wrecked Curtiss JN-4 Jenny aircraft]
Photograph of a wrecked Curtiss JN-4 Jenny aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Inscription: "Dodds."Part of a scrapbook containing items related to Sidney Van Wyck Peters' service with the 24th Aero Squadron during World War I, circa 1917-1919.
[People posing with crashed Salmson 2 A2 aircraft]
Photograph of two unidentified people posing with a crashed Salmson 2 A2 aircraft, circa 1918-1919. Part of the Irwin Bryan Meyers Photograph Album, an album containing 129 photographs related to Meyers's service as an airplane mechanic in France during and after World War I, circa 1918-1919.
[Soldiers looking at crashed SPAD XIII aircraft]
Photograph of soldiers looking at a crashed SPAD XIII aircraft, circa 1918-1919. Part of the Irwin Bryan Meyers Photograph Album, an album containing 129 photographs related to Meyers's service as an airplane mechanic in France during and after World War I, circa 1918-1919.