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36 results

[Deceased servicemen and soldiers in field, France]
Photograph of deceased servicemen and soldiers in a field, France, circa 1914-1919.Inscription: "Wirkung einer Fliegerbombe zwischen Ecoust u. St. Leger."Inscription on album page: "Result of aerial boomb [bomb] on horse transport." Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Dead bodies lying in trench]
Photograph of dead bodies lying in a trench, likely in France, circa 1918-1919.Part of the Irwin Bryan Meyers Photograph Album, an album containing 129 photographs related to Meyers's service as an airplane mechanic in France during and after World War I, circa 1918-1919.
[Deceased servicemen on battlefield near Reims, France]
Photograph of deceased servicemen on a battlefield near Reims, France, circa 1914-1918.Caption: "Auf dem Schlachtfelde vor Reims."Inscription on album page: "Battlefield at Rheims."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Deceased servicemen on battlefield near Bapaume, France]
Photograph of deceased servicemen on a battlefield near Bapaume, France, circa 1914-1919.Inscription on album page: "Battlefield Baupome [Bapaume]."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Deceased serviceman on USS Essex]
Photograph of a deceased serviceman on the USS Essex (CV-9), November 25, 1944. The verso inscription notes that the serviceman was killed during a kamikaze attack.Inscription on verso: "CV-9 / 11-25-44 / Casualty of kamikazi [sic]."
[Deceased soldier in field]
Photograph of a deceased soldier in a field, circa 1918.
[Dead bodies lying in trench]
Photograph of dead bodies lying in a trench, France, circa 1918.Inscription on verso: "German trench. France. WWI."
[Dead body in trench]
Photograph of a dead body in a trench, likely in France, circa 1918. Two soldiers are visible in the distance walking across the battlefield.
[Cross marking gravesite of American aviator]
Photograph of a cross marking the gravesite of an American aviator, France, circa 1918. The cross reads: " U.S. Don-Johnston, Lieutenant Aviateur, 17/9/18."
[Dead bodies lying in trench]
Photograph of dead bodies lying in a trench, France, circa 1918.Inscription on verso: "German dead, burial trench. France. WWI."