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84 results

Signal book : United States Army, 1914.
Cover pockets for notes and memoranda. War Department doc. No. 44.
Pilot's handbook for Navy model F4U-1, F4U-1C, F4U-1D, F3A-1, FG-1, FG-1D airplanes.
AN 01-45HA-1. Issued 15 October 1945. Revised 1 June 1946 and 1 December 1952.
[Booklet of rigging blueprints for Curtiss aircraft, circa 1916-1918]
Booklet of rigging blueprints for the Curtiss N-9, Curtiss R-3, Curtiss R-6 (Model 2A), and Curtiss Model H-12 Large America aircraft, circa 1916-1918. 25-page booklet bound with brass brads, Herlofson's name faintly visible on front cover and back spine edge. Includes two pages of handwritten notes slipped in front of page 10 (blueprint for Burgess pontoon), dated March 21, 1918.
TBM-3 Avengers of VT-83 / F6f-3 VF-15
Scale model sheets for General Motors TMB-3 Avenger aircraft of VT-83 and Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat aircraft of VF-15, circa 1995.Part of a disassembled album containing materials related to Paul J. Madden's service with the U.S. Navy during World War II, circa 1940-1995.
Pilot training manual for the Thunderbolt P-47N.
AAF manual 51-127-4/ Dated 1 September 1945. Includes index.
[Certificate of technical aircraft training issued to Sergeant Fred Thibodeaux]
Certificate of technical aircraft training issued to Sergeant Fred Thibodeaux by the Boeing Flying Fortress School, September 17, 1943.
[Memorandum to Norman G. Stromer from H. J. Bell, Federal Aviation Administration, regarding Pilot and Flight Engineer ratings, March 22, 1971]
Memorandum to Norman G. Stromer from H. J. Bell, Federal Aviation Administration, March 22, 1971. Congratulates Stromer on completing the Boeing-747 Pilot & Flight Engineer ratings certification.
[Grade report issued to Sergeant Fred Thibodeaux]
Grade report issued to Sergeant Fred Thibodeaux, U.S. Army Air Forces, by the B-29 Division of the Flying Fortress School, September 17, 1943. One typed page with envelope.
[Cacheted philatelic cover commemorating 50th anniversary of Calbraith Perry Rodgers' transcontinental flight]
Cacheted philatelic cover commemorating the 50th anniversary of Calbraith Perry Rodgers' transcontinental flight across the United States, September 17, 1961. Features an image of the Wright Model EX "Vin Fiz" aircraft. Addressed to Mrs. Cal Rodgers Wiggin in Pasadena, California.Text: "50th anniversary of 'Cal' Rodgers / 1st Transcontinental Flight / 1911 - 1961 / After 16 'crashes' / 4231 miles…