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[General Ira C. Eaker being greeted by Wilbur Watson and Hubert A. Zemke]
Photograph of General Ira C. Eaker being greeted by Wilbur Watson (back to camera) and fighter ace Hubert A. Zemke (behind Watson), circa 1940s.Inscription on verso: "Watson, Zemke, Eaker."
[Servicemen standing behind buffet table]
Photograph of several U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen standing behind a buffet table, circa 1940s. Identified individuals include Wilbur Watson (far left), Sylvester V. Burke (third from left), and fighter ace Francis S. Gabreski.Inscription on verso: "Watson, ---, Burke, 'Dutch', Gabreski 'Gabby.'"
[Servicemen at buffet table]
Photograph of several U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen at a buffet table, circa 1940s. Identified individuals include Wilbur Watson (far right), fighter ace Francis S. Gabreski (second from left), and Sylvester V. Burke (third from right). Stamped on verso: "Passed by US Army Examiner 10082. Passed for personal use only. Not for publication. 23 Aug 1944. Theater Censor ETOUSA."
[Ira C. Eaker, Hubert A. Zemke, and other officers]
Photograph of a group of U.S. Army Air Forces officers at an unidentified airfield, circa 1940s. Identified individuals include Ira C. Eaker (far left), fighter ace Hubert A. Zemke (second from left), Wilbur Watson (fourth from left, back to camera), and Lawrence Brower (far right). Inscription on verso: "Eaker, Zemke, Watson, Brawer [Brower]."