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48 results

[Runway at Komaki Air Base]
Photograph of the runway at Komaki Air Base, Japan, January 30, 1947. The caption on the verso notes that this runway was used by the 158th Liaison Squadron of the United States Army Air Forces.Typed caption on verso: "The landing strip, some 600 feet long, used by the 158th Liaison Sqdn on Kamaki [Komaki] Air Field, Nagoya, Japan. Strip is directly in front of the Squadron's Operations Bldg. 30…
[Sunset at Komaki Air Base]
Photograph of a sunset taken from the 158th Liaison Squadron's operations area at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947.Inscription on verso: "Beautiful shot of sun behind heavy clouds on a late evening – Looking from 158th Liaison Operations – Komaki. March 1947."
[Stinson L-5 Sentinels by hangar]
Photograph of two Stinson L-5 Sentinel aircraft parked at an Eighth Army base in Yokohama, Japan, July 1947. The planes bear United States Army Air Forces markings.Inscription on verso: "8th Army L-5 strip hangar. (My L-5). Yokohama, Japan. July 47."
[People at entrance to Camp McNair]
Photograph of adults, children, and a dog standing near the entrance gate to Camp McNair, Japan, April 1947. Mount Fuji is visible in the distance.Inscription on verso: "Curious Japanese, but respectful. They are the first to greet anyone who lands at the strip. Fuji again in the back. Note shoes the boys are wearing. Can they run with those things on!! Nagoya, Japan. April 47. P.S. the blot on…
[Siren at Komaki Air Base]
Photograph of a siren at Komaki Air Base, Japan, April 1947. Inscription: "Fire siren at Komaki Airdrome, used by the Japs as an air raid alarm. Boy, does it sound gruesome when it goes off. It can be heard for many miles. Nagoya, Japan. April 1947. P.S. Bus in background is our transportation to Nagoya, 7 miles away. It's a converted truck, with a Jap body on it. (car body, that is)."
[Fifth Air Force base operations building]
Photograph of the Fifth Air Force base operations building at Tachikawa Army Air Base, Japan, April 1947.Inscription: "Base operations at Tachikawa Army Air Base, Tachikawa, Japan. April 1947."
[Stinson L-5 Sentinel]
Photograph of three Stinson L-5 Sentinel aircraft of the 158th Liaison Squadron parked at Komaki Air Base, Japan, January 30, 1947. Typed caption on verso: "3 of the L-5s used by the 158th Liaison Sqdn at Kamaki [Komaki] Air Field, Nagoya, Japan. 30 January 1947."
[Tom Haggard, Arthur Shaffer, and Cecil A. Kauitzsch]
Photograph of Tom Haggard (left), Arthur Shaffer (middle), and Cecil A. Kauitzsch (right) at Komaki Air Base, Japan, March 1947.Inscription: "Cpl. Tom Haggard on left. S/Sgt. Arthur Shaffer in middle. S/Sgt. Cecil A. Kauitzsch on right (with camera). P.S. S/Sgt. Shaffer was one of my pilots on our ferry flight from Muskogee to Tacoma, Washington, Sept 1945. Cpl. Haggard was with me at Cox Field,…