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[Serviceman Larry Vilas standing in front of unidentified aircraft]
Photograph of serviceman Larry Vilas standing in front of an unidentified aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Inscription on album page: "'Hound Dog' - Larry Vilas."Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[Serviceman standing next to unidentified aircraft]
Photograph of a serviceman standing next to an unidentified aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Inscription on album page: "Adj. A. Lauverjat. My moniteur."Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[Serviceman with Nieuport 27 aircraft]
Photograph of a serviceman with a Nieuport 27 aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Inscription on album page: "Fran."Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[Serviceman in flight gear standing next to Nieuport 27 aircraft]
Photograph of serviceman in flight gear standing next to a Nieuport 27 aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[Serviceman in flight gear standing next to Nieuport 27 aircraft]
Photograph of a serviceman in flight gear standing next to a Nieuport 27 aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[Serviceman in flight gear standing next to Nieuport 27 aircraft]
Photograph of a serviceman in flight gear standing next to a Nieuport 27 aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[Serviceman standing next to Nieuport 27 aircraft]
Photograph of a serviceman standing next to a Nieuport 27 aircraft (fuselage number 48), circa 1917-1919.Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[Servicemen working on Curtiss JN-4 Jenny aircraft]
Photograph of servicemen working on a Curtiss JN-4 Jenny aircraft (fuselage number 39879), circa 1916-1919.Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[Serviceman standing next to Curtiss JN-4 Jenny aircraft]
Photograph of a serviceman standing next to a Curtiss JN-4 Jenny aircraft, circa 1916-1919.Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.
[SPAD XIII aircraft parked at airfield]
Photograph of a SPAD XIII aircraft (tail number 1173) parked at an airfield, circa 1917-1919.Part of a scrapbook related to Edward I. Sproull's military career during and after World War I, circa 1916-1919.