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105 results

[German children]
Photograph of German children, circa 1918-1919.Inscription on album page: "Boche kids."Part of Album Three from the Nancy Harkness Collection of World War I Photograph Albums, circa 1914-1919.
[Unidentified group of children]
Photographic portrait of an unidentified group of children, circa 1917-1918.Part of a photograph album related to C. E. Roy's service with the U.S. Navy at Key West Naval Air Station, Florida, circa 1917-1918.
[Serviceman, woman, and child]
Photographic group portrait of a German serviceman, woman, and child, circa 1914-1918. The handwritten caption on verso is difficult to read and is possibly in German. Inscription on verso: "[illegible]."
[German serviceman, woman, and children]
Photographic group portrait of a German serviceman, woman, and two children, circa 1914-1918. Inscription on verso: "German soldier."
Alex [Child standing on sidewalk]
Photograph of a child standing on a sidewalk, circa 1917-1918.Inscription: "Alex."Part of a photograph album related to C. E. Roy's service with the U.S. Navy at Key West Naval Air Station, Florida, circa 1917-1918.
[Children playing along shoreline]
Photograph of children playing along a shoreline, circa 1917-1918.Part of a photograph album related to C. E. Roy's service with the U.S. Navy at Key West Naval Air Station, Florida, circa 1917-1918.
[Boy in sailor hat]
Photograph of an African American boy in a sailor hat, circa 1917-1918.Inscription: "Alligator bait. [Offensive language]"Part of a photograph album related to C. E. Roy's service with the U.S. Navy at Key West Naval Air Station, Florida, circa 1917-1918.
[Children gathered around military serviceman]
Photograph of a group of children gathered around a military serviceman, likely on a South Pacific island, circa 1939-1945.
[Children and adults in unidentified village]
Photograph of children and adults in an unidentified village, likely on a South Pacific island, circa 1939-1945.
[Unidentified child standing next to bicycle]
Photograph of an unidentified child standing next to a bicycle, likely in the China-Burma-India Theater, circa 1940s.