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37 results

[Royal Air Force Certificate of Service and Discharge for Eric G. Peter, October 8, 1918]
Royal Air Force Certificate of Service and Discharge for Eric G. Peter, October 8, 1918.
[Orders issued to Eric G. Peter to report for aviation training, October 7, 1918]
Orders issued to Eric G. Peter to report for aviation training, October 7, 1918. One typed page.
Example of Pre-arranged Shoot on Hostile Battery for Destruction [Document, circa 1918]
Document, "Example of Pre-arranged Shoot on Hostile Battery for Destruction," circa 1918. Handwritten chart and notes. Two pages.
[Leave pass issued to Eric G. Peter, July 19, 1918]
Leave pass issued to Eric G. Peter, July 19, 1918. Grants him permission to visit London.
[Royal Air Force pay and allotment tables]
Military document, "Tables of rates of pay, qualifying allotments & contributory allotments applicable to soldiers of all arms," Royal Air Force, circa 1945. Includes handwritten notes. Three pages.
[Soldier's Service and Pay Book used by serviceman Earl H. M. Phillips, circa 1945]
Soldier's Service and Pay Book used by Royal Air Force serviceman Earl H. M. Phillips, circa 1945.
[Flight logbook for Leon Swietlikowski, circa 1940-1943]
Flight logbook for Leon Swietlikowski, circa 1940-1943. Includes photographic postcards and military records glued to pages. 98 pages.
[Flight logbook for Leon Swietlikowski, circa 1943-1945]
Flight logbook for Leon Swietlikowski, circa 1943-1945. Includes photographic postcards and military records glued to pages. 35 pages.
[Flight logbook for Royal Air Force pilot George H. E. Welford, November 1944-August 1945]
Flight logbook for Royal Air Force pilot George H. E. Welford, November 1944-August 1945. 26 pages.
[Leon Swietlikowski World War II Collection, Box One, Folder 2 - Military documents, 1937-1946]
Items from Box One, Folder 2 of The Leon Swietlikowski World War II Collection, circa 1937-1946. Folder contains 11 documents related to Leon Swietlikowski's military career. Most items are written in Polish and have been translated into English in the transcription.