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6 results
Newspaper clipping, "Three World War flyers have informal reunion here," from the Seattle Daily Times, September 12, 1935. Reports on a reunion of World War I pilots Harold E. Hartney, Charles Wayne Kerwood, and Norman Archibald.
Newspaper clipping, "A stirring book on America's World War aces," from the New York Times Book Review, April 21, 1940. Reviews Harold E. Hartney's book "Up and At 'Em."
Newspaper clipping, "World War I fliers reunited at banquet," from the Washington Post, September 27, 1942. Reports on a banquet hosted by Colonel Harold E. Hartney for members of Aviator Post 743 of the American Legion. Includes a photograph of Frank Cummings, Hartney, Colonel T. DeWitt Milling, Colonel John H. Jouett, and Gordon C. Sleeper.
Scrapbook of items related to Colonel Harold E. Hartney and his military career during and after World War I, circa 1920s-1940s. Contains a comic strip and newspaper clippings. Cover is an embossed faux leather decorated with image of Boeing Model 299 (B-17).
Newspaper clipping, "'Luckiest guy alive' - Thrilling accounts of battles in the air" by Charles A. Wagner, from an unidentified publication, March 31, 1940. Reviews Harold E. Hartney's book "Up and At 'Em." Includes photographs of Baron von Richtofen, Robert Nordhoff, James Norman Hall, Kenneth Littauer, Hartney, and Raoul Lufbery.
Newspaper clipping, "War aces flinch when they recall deaths in the sky," from the New York Journal-American, September 24, 1937. Reports on the wartime experiences of fighter aces. Includes photographs of Lieutenant K. Porter, Captain John Ronan, Colonel Harold E. Hartley, and Lieutenant Herman Wisse.