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Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, March 14, 1918. Discusses various personal and social news. Notes that he has not changed location in a long time. Four handwritten pages with envelope.
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, March 2, 1918. Acknowledges receipt of many letters from friends and family and discusses various personal and social news. Four handwritten pages with envelope.
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, March 6, 1918. Discusses various personal and social news. Three handwritten pages with envelope.
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, June 18, 1918. Discusses having charge of squadron's transportation needs in addition to his flying duties and various personal and social news. One folded sheet, four handwritten pages.
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 3, [1918]. Mentions they have changed locations again ("just a little ways from Paris") and various personal and social news. One folded sheet, four handwritten pages.
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 7, [1918]. Advises they are moving all the time now and sends personal regards. On the back of each sheet are notes relevant to his duties. Two handwritten pages.
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 20, 1918. Discusses various personal and social news. One folded sheet, four handwritten pages.
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, October 29, 1917. Discusses personal news, mentions that four squadrons have been taken away from here and have extra workload on top of flight practice. Two handwritten pages on Young Men's Christian Association stationery with envelope.
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, October 6, 1917. Discusses practicing take-off and landings and personal news. Six handwritten pages with envelope.
Notecard from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, November 21, 1917. Advises of arrival in New York and briefly describes social news. One handwritten note on Hotel McAlpin (New York) notecard.