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3 results

[William P. Lear and Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller]
Photograph of William P. Lear (right) and Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller (left), circa 1960s-1970s.Inscription: "To Bill / With all the steam in the world / Bucky Fuller."Inscription on verso: "Buckminster Fuller + WPL."
[Dr. William Randolph Lovelace, A. Scott Crossfield, and William P. Lear with Hughes TH-55A helicopter]
Photograph of (from left to right) Dr. William Randolph Lovelace, A. Scott Crossfield, and William P. Lear with a Hughes TH-55A helicopter (number N80P), Los Angeles International Airport, California, April 1960.Typed caption on verso: "Dr. W. Randolph Lovelace, Vice President of Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research and Head of Surgery, Lovelace Clinic, Alburquerque…
[William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, Box 27, Folder 23 - Captured Me109 radio equipment evaluation by WPL, 1941 July 24]
Items from Box 27, Folder 23 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, July 24, 1941. Contains a press release and eight captioned photographs related to William P. Lear's evaluation of German radio equipment taken from a captured Messerschmitt Bf 109 aircraft. The photographs depict Lear and Lear Avia engineers carrying out tests on the radio equipment, as well as close-up shots of the…