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11 results

[Albert L. Mason with North American AT-6 Texan aircraft]
Photograph of Albert L. Mason standing next to North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1940.Inscription on verso: "Cadet Albert L. Mason 40E. Died Tuesday Aug. 7, 1940. Ground got too close to the plane on night navigation flight."
[North American AT-6 Texan]
Photograph of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft parked at Komaki Air Base, Japan, July 1947.Inscription on verso: "Sunset behind AT-6 on Komaki Airdrome. Nagoya, Japan. July 47."
[North American AT-6 Texan]
Photograph of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft parked at Komaki Air Base in Nagoya, Japan, April 1947. The plane bears United States Army Air Forces markings.Inscription on verso: "AT-6 in late evening with sun reflecting from other side of Komaki Airdrome. Nagoya, Japan. April 1947."
[Burroughs in cockpit of North American AT-6 Texan]
Photograph of First Lieutenant Burroughs in the cockpit of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft at a Komaki Air Base, Japan, April 1947.Inscription on verso: "1st Lt. Burroughs, former Flight C.O. of the 158th Liaison Squadron. He also got transferred to the flight section at Komaki. Nagoya, Japan. April 1947."
[Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call standing next to North American AT-6 Texan aircraft]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call standing next to a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft (serial number 248778, nose number 256), circa 1943-1944.Originally part of a set of a photograph album pages containing photographs related to the life and WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) career of Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call, circa 1930s-1940s. Images…
[Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call standing next to North American AT-6 Texan aircraft]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call standing next to a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft (tail number 248778, nose number 256), circa 1943-1944.Originally part of a set of a photograph album pages containing photographs related to the life and WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) career of Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call, circa 1930s-1940s. Images…
[WASP servicewoman standing next to North American AT-6 Texan aircraft]
Photograph of a WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman standing next to a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft (serial number 248778, nose number 256), circa 1943-1944.Originally part of a set of a photograph album pages containing photographs related to the life and WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) career of Mary "Pat" (Hiller) Call, circa 1930s-1940s. Images that were affixed to the…
[Man in flight gear standing next to North American AT-6 Texan aircraft]
Photograph of an unidentified man in flight gear standing next to a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1943-1944.Inscription on verso: "[Illegible] next to [illegible]. It's an awful picture of him -- he's so tanned he doesn't photograph well. Am trying to [illegible] more. You may keep this if you like."Stamped on verso: "Willis Studio giant prints are better. If it's worth taking it's…
[Lucille Friesen in cockpit of North American AT-6 Texan Family aircraft]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Lucille Friesen in the cockpit of a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1943-1944. Inscription on verso: "Lucille Friesen in cockpit of AT-6 [illegible] about half of [illegible] panel that you can see. Not a very good picture of Lucy." Originally part of a set of a photograph album pages containing photographs related to the…
[WASP servicewoman Ruth E. Anderson with fire extinguishers]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Ruth E. Anderson with fire extinguishers, circa 1943-1944. A North American AT-6 Texan aircraft is visible behind her.Inscription on verso: "Ruth Anderson (Seattle girl) with some fire fighting equipment and an AT-6."Stamped on verso: "Willis Studio giant prints are better. If it's worth taking it's worth finishing right. Sweetwater,…