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Item Type- Still Image (64)
- Hawaii (64)
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- No copyright - United States (35)
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- Hickam Air Force Base (Hawaii) (64)
- Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) (64)
- World War, 1939-1945 (63)
- United States. Army. Air Corps (56)
- Soldiers (46)
- Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 (25)
- Embree, Lee, 1915-2008 (21)
- United States. Army. Air Corps. Reconnaissance Squadron, 38th (17)
- Flight crews (14)
- Airplanes, Military (11)
- Arizona (Battleship) (6)
- United States. Army. Air Corps. Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 38th (6)
- Spears, Vance H. (5)
- Coulter, Roy H. (4)
- Sheehan, Larry J. (4)
- Aichi D3A Val (Navy Type 99 Carrier Bomber) (3)
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- Bergdoll, Charles E. (2)
64 results
Photograph of a Trans World Airlines (TWA) Boeing Model 747 aircraft parked at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, circa 1980s-1990s.
Oblique aerial photograph of a large smoke plume over Hickam Field during the attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7, 1941.
[Lee Embree at Hickam Field]
Photograph of Lee Embree outside a base residence building, Hickam Field, Hawaii, circa 1942.
Inscription on verso: "Hawaii, Hickam Field, 1942."
[Soldiers on lawn]
Photograph of three U.S. Army Air Corps servicemen, including Lee Embree (right, on bike), watching a fourth soldier mow a lawn outside a base residence building, Hickam Field, Hawaii, circa 1942.
Inscription on verso: "Hawaii, Hickam Field, 1942."
Photograph of Lee Embree (right) and an unidentified serviceman outside a base residence building, Hickam Field, Hawaii, circa 1942. Embree has a bandage on his head.
Inscription on verso: "Hawaii, Hickam Field, 1942."
Photograph of Lee Embree (center) and two other U.S. Army Air Corps servicemen at Hickam Field, Hawaii, circa 1942.
Inscription on verso: "Hawaii, Hickam Field, 1942."
[Lee Embree at Hickam Field]
Photograph of Lee Embree outside a base residence building, Hickam Field, Hawaii, circa 1942. A bandage is on Embree's head.
Inscription on verso: "Hawaii, Hickam Field, 1942."
[Serviceman at Hickam Field]
Photograph of a United States Army Air Corps serviceman, identified in the inscription as "Riley," at Hickam Field, Hawaii, circa 1942.
Inscription on verso: "Hawaii, Hickam Field, 1942. Riley."
Oblique aerial photograph of a large smoke plume over Hickam Field during the attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7, 1941.
Photograph of members of the 38th Reconnaissance Squadron, United States Army Air Corps, setting up camp outside Hickam Field after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7, 1941. Inscription: "(12-7-41-8:30A) - A.C. Photo by Sgt. Lee Embree."