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[Servicemen in motor whaleboat]
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen in a motor whaleboat launched from the USS Northampton (CA-26), circa 1941-1942. Inscription on verso: "The motor whale boat from the Northampton taking off the American sailors."
[Douglas A-4F Skyhawk on USS <em>Kitty Hawk</em>]
Photograph of United States Navy servicemen working on a Douglas A-4F Skyhawk on board the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), circa 1969-1972. Two missiles are ready to be loaded onto the aircraft.
[Douglas A-4F Skyhawk on USS Kitty Hawk]
Photograph of United States Navy servicemen working on a Douglas A-4F Skyhawk on board the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), circa 1969-1972. Two missiles are ready to be loaded onto the aircraft.
[Bomb and aircraft on USS <em>Kitty Hawk</em>]
Photograph of a bomb lying near a Grumman A-6 Intruder (nose number 514) and two Douglas A-4F Skyhawks (visible nose number 414) on the deck of the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), circa 1969-1972. Several United States Navy servicemen work in the background.
[Bomb and aircraft on USS Kitty Hawk]
Photograph of a bomb lying near a Grumman A-6 Intruder (nose number 514) and two Douglas A-4F Skyhawks (visible nose number 414) on the deck of the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), circa 1969-1972. Several United States Navy servicemen work in the background.
[V-mail letter to Clara Stewart from Lieutenant Gwin L. Walker, circa 1940s]
V-mail letter to Clara Stewart from Lieutenant Gwin L. Walker, circa 1940s. Contains a holiday greeting and an illustration of Santa Claus riding a sled labeled "Torpedo-3." One page. Stamped on verso: "Received in San Francisco prior to 1 December and held for appropriate Christmas delivery." Part of a disassembled scrapbook containing World War II and post-war materials, circa 1943-1956.
[Servicemen with volleyball]
Photographic group portrait of U.S. Navy servicemen with a volleyball, Guam, circa 1945.
[Servicemen of Structures Division]
Photographic group portrait of U.S. Navy servicemen of the Structures Division, Guam, circa 1944.
[Servicemen and children riding in ox cart]
Photographic negative of U.S. Navy servicemen and children riding in an ox cart, Guam, November 1944. Military vehicles are visible on the road behind them.
[Elmer A. Ball seated on M1888 coastal artillery gun]
Photographic negative of U.S. Navy serviceman Elmer A. Ball seated on an M1888 coastal artillery gun, Tumon Beach, Guam, circa November 1944.