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5 results

[Curran L. Jones oral history interview (Part 1 of 2)]
In this two-part oral history, fighter ace Curran L. Jones discusses his military service with the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. In part one, he describes his wartime experiences as a fighter pilot, including his time in the Pacific Theater with the 39th Fighter Squadron. Topics discussed include his combat missions, his service in Papua New Guinea, and his thoughts on war in…
[Leslie C. Smith oral history interview (Part 1 of 2)]
In this two-part oral history, fighter ace Leslie C. Smith is interviewed about his military service with the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. In part one, he describes his wartime experiences as a fighter pilot, including his time in the European Theater with the 56th Fighter Group. Topics discussed include his personal background, his training and service history, stories about…
[Gordon M. Graham oral history interview (Part 4 of 4)]
In this four-part oral history, fighter ace Gordon M. Graham discusses his military service with the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. In part four, he provides clarifying details regarding his wartime experiences and the combat mission discussed in the previous interviews. Topics discussed include his personal background, his training history, and a bomber escort mission over…
[John S. Stewart oral history interview (Part 2 of 2)]
In this two-part oral history, fighter ace John S. Stewart discusses his military service with the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. In part two, he continues to describe his wartime experiences as a fighter pilot with the 76th Fighter Squadron in the China-India-Burma Theater. Topics discussed include his training and service history, notable combat missions, and stories about…
[Thomas L. Hayes, Jr. oral history interview (Part 1 of 2)]
In this two-part oral history, fighter ace Thomas L. Hayes, Jr. is interviewed about his military service with the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. In part one, he describes his wartime experiences as a fighter pilot, including his time in the South Pacific with the 35th Pursuit Group and his time in Europe with the 357th Fighter Group. Topics discussed include his training and…