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[Letter from Percy G. Atkinson to Charles W. Drew, January 13, 1919]
Letter from Percy G. Atkinson to Charles W. Drew, January 13, 1919. Letter from fellow prisoner of war. Asks how he is progressing in his recovery, describes his release from prison camp and journey home to Nottingham (England), and discusses his work prospects. Two handwritten pages.
[Letter from First Lieutenant M. H. Newton to Mrs. Drew, January 14, 1919]
Letter from First Lieutenant M. H. Newton, Embarkation Hospital, Camp Stuart (Virginia), to Mrs. Drew, January 14, 1919. Notes that her son, Charles W. Drew, has arrived at the hospital from overseas and then transferred to Walter Reed General Hospital in Washington, D.C. One typed page.
[Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, December 8, 1918]
Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, December 8, 1918. Notes that he is at St. Nazaire, France to ship back home, mentions that he hasn't received any word from her yet, and is worried about the reports of flu in the States. Two handwritten pages, with envelope.
[Greeting card from Charles W. Drew, 1918]
Greeting card from Charles W. Drew, 1918. Cover image features an illustration of two soldier boys embracing. Text reads: "With Much Love" and "Best Wishes from 'Over Here.'" Includes 1918 calendar printed on verso.
[Letter from Mrs. Drew's mother to Mrs. Drew, January 12, 1919]
Letter from Mrs. Drew's mother to Mrs. Drew, January 12, 1919. Mentions that she is praying for Charles W. Drew (Mrs. Drew's son), that Alice was very sick with a cold or possibly the flu, and other personal news. One folded sheet, four handwritten pages, with envelope.
[Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 3, 1918]
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 3, [1918]. Mentions they have changed locations again ("just a little ways from Paris") and various personal and social news. One folded sheet, four handwritten pages.
[Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 7, 1918]
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 7, [1918]. Advises they are moving all the time now and sends personal regards. On the back of each sheet are notes relevant to his duties. Two handwritten pages.
[Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 20, 1918]
Letter from Wilbur D. Kennedy to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, July 20, 1918. Discusses various personal and social news. One folded sheet, four handwritten pages.
[Letter to Mrs. F. W. Wehner from U.S. War Department, March 5, 1919]
Letter to Mrs. F. W. Wehner from the U.S. War Department, March 5, 1919. Notes enclosure of death certificate for Joseph Wehner. Two typed pages.
[Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, April 24, 1918]
Letter from Charles W. Drew to his mother, April 24, 1918. Describes flight training maneuvers, discusses having picked up smoking, the costliness and rarity of candy, and asks after friends and family. Two folded sheets, eight handwritten pages, with envelope.