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[Servicemen on deck of USS Essex]
Photograph of servicemen on the deck of the USS Essex (CV-9), September 1945. Balloons are tied to the ship. The verso inscription notes that the image was taken during the Essex's return trip to the Puget Sound.Inscription on verso: "Essex 'going home pennent' [sic] / Sept 1945 / Puget Sound."
[Deceased serviceman on USS Essex]
Photograph of a deceased serviceman on the USS Essex (CV-9), November 25, 1944. The verso inscription notes that the serviceman was killed during a kamikaze attack.Inscription on verso: "CV-9 / 11-25-44 / Casualty of kamikazi [sic]."
[Servicemen extinguishing fire from crashed aircraft]
Photograph of servicemen extinguishing a fire from a crashed aircraft, USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1943-1944.
[Paul J. Madden and another U.S. Navy serviceman standing in front of American flag]
Photograph of Paul J. Madden (right) and another U.S. Navy serviceman standing in front of an American flag, USS Essex (CV-9), August 1945.Inscription on verso: "As the Essex's victory ensign waves proudly in the background -- any old salt persuades me to ship over for four more years and see what is left of the world. Aug 1945."
[Servicemen on USS Essex ]
Photographic group portrait of U.S. Navy servicemen on the USS Essex (CV-9), Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington, October 1945. The men are identified in the verso inscription.Inscription on verso: "Bremmerton [sic] Navy Yard / USS Essex CV-9 / Oct. 1945 / Top L-R / Ahmsaty, Knickrehon, Geiget, Betterton, DeEmmit / Bottom L-R / Thompson, Jones, Buechner, Blackwell, Barr."
[Vought F4U Corsair aircraft being catapulted from USS Essex]
Photograph of a Vought F4U Corsair aircraft of Carrier Air Group 83, U.S. Navy, being catapulted from the USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1944-1945. Inscription on verso: "Essex -- 1945 / F4U of AG-83 leaving Essex by way of catapult. Brovira -- Speed / BS 319 PE #2."
[Paul J. Madden and another U.S. Navy serviceman standing in front of American flag]
Photograph of Paul J. Madden (right) and another U.S. Navy serviceman standing in front of an American flag, USS Essex (CV-9), August 1945.Inscription on verso: "1945 / CV-9."