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[Photographers working with camera, USS Essex]
Photograph of U.S. Navy photographers working with a camera, USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1944-1945.Caption on envelope: "Photographers at work."
[Navy photographers on USS Essex]
Photograph of U.S. Navy photographers on the USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1944-1945.Caption on envelope: "Essex Aerographers."
[Servicemen and aircraft on USS Essex]
Photograph of servicemen and aircraft on the USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1944.Caption on album page: "Essex -- 1944 / B07."
[Servicemen raising their drinks in celebration]
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen raising their drinks in celebration, USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1943-1945.
[Servicemen with large cake, USS Essex]
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen with a large cake, USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1943-1945.
[Serviceman operating cameras on target-towing ship]
Photograph of a U.S. Navy serviceman operating cameras on a target-towing ship, circa 1942-1943. Inscription on verso: "1943."
[Servicemen on USS Essex]
Photograph of a U.S. Navy servicemen on the USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1943. Inscription on verso: "1943."
[Servicemen with camera equipment]
Photograph of three U.S. Navy servicemen with camera equipment, Bering Sea, circa 1943.Inscription on verso: "Off Adak / 1943."
[Servicemen with camera equipment]
Photograph of three U.S. Navy servicemen with camera equipment, Bering Sea, circa 1943.
[Servicemen dressed in bikinis]
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen, two dressed in bikinis, on the USS Essex (CV-9), circa 1944-1945.