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- Subject > Waco (OH) UIC (ATC #499) (remove)
2 results
Photograph of William P. Lear with a Waco UIC aircraft (wing number NC13402), circa 1930s.Inscription on verso: "Bill Lear + his Waco Model UIC equipped with Lear-O-Scope, direction finder, + Lear-O-Phone transmitter + receiver. This is the plane Lear flew from NYC to Los Angeles in 1935 to promote his equipment. Photo courtesy Lear Archives."
Photograph of William P. Lear with his Waco UIC aircraft, circa 1933. Inscription on verso: "1935 / WPL entering 1933 Continental Powered Waco preparatory to NY Los Angeles trip when Model L DF was shown to whole USA and many CAA stations for the first time heard and worked a private aircraft by radio. / Trip NY-Pitts-Dayton-Chgo-Kansas City-Wichita-Tulsa-Dallas-Wink-El Paso-Tucson-Pheonix…