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101 results

[WASP servicewomen standing in formation]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen standing in formation at an unidentified airfield, circa 1943-1945.
[Carol Nicholson]
Photographic portrait of Carol Nicholson, circa 1943-1945.
[Carol Nicholson in flight jacket]
Photograph of Carol Nicholson in a flight jacket, circa 1943-1945.
[Carol Nicholson]
Photograph of Carol Nicholson, circa 1943-1945. The original image is out of focus.
[Carol Nicholson standing in yard]
Photograph of Carol Nicholson standing in a yard, circa 1943-1945.
[Nancy (Nordhoff) Dunnam]
Photographic portrait of Nancy (Nordhoff) Dunnam in her WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) uniform, circa 1940s.
[Nancy (Nordhoff) Dunnam]
Photographic portrait of Nancy (Nordhoff) Dunnam in her WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) uniform, circa 1940s.
[Carol Nicholson and woman with North American AT-6 Texan]
Photograph of Carol Nicholson (seated in cockpit) and an unidentified woman with a North American AT-6 Texan, circa 1943-1945.
[Carol Nicholson and other WASP servicewomen outside barracks building]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen outside a barracks building, circa 1943-1945. Carol Nicholson is third from the left.
[Group portrait of WASP servicewomen]
Photographic group portrait of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen, circa 1943-1945. Carol Nicholson is third from the right, front row. Inscription on verso: "Don't remember whether I sent you these snaps or not."