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101 results

[Carol Nicholson with North American AT-6 Texan]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Carol Nicholson with a North American AT-6 Texan aircraft, circa 1940s.
[Carol Nicholson]
Photographic portrait of Carol Nicholson in her WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) uniform, circa 1943-1945.Typed on photo: "Zeckendorf-Aranyi, [address in Seattle, Washington]."
[Carol Nicholson]
Photographic portrait of Carol Nicholson in her WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) uniform, circa 1943-1945.Typed on photo: "Zeckendorf-Aranyi, [address in Seattle, Washington]."
[WASP servicewoman with Stearman PT-17 Kaydet]
Photograph of an unidentified WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman in the cockpit of a Stearman PT-17 Kaydet aircraft, circa 1943-1945.
[Carol Nicholson in flight gear]
Photograph of WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewoman Carol Nicholson in flight gear, circa 1943-1945.Inscription on verso: "My Goll! Is this I - mother? 'My mother loved me but she died.'"
[Carol Nicholson]
Photographic portrait of Carol Nicholson in her WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) uniform, circa 1943-1945.Typed on photo: "Zeckendorf-Aranyi, [address in Seattle, Washington]."
[Carol Nicholson]
Photographic portrait of Carol Nicholson in her WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) uniform, circa 1943-1945.Typed on photo: "Zeckendorf-Aranyi, [address in Seattle, Washington]."
[Carol Nicholson]
Photographic portrait of Carol Nicholson in her WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) uniform, circa 1943-1945.Typed on photo: "Zeckendorf-Aranyi, [address in Seattle, Washington]."
[Carol Nicholson with unidentified people]
Photograph of Carol Nicholson (second from left) and three unidentified people, likely family members, circa 1943-1945.
[Carol Nicholson walking with other WASP servicewomen]
Photograph of Carol Nicholson (center, hands in pockets) walking with a group of other WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) servicewomen, circa 1943-1945.