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[Letter from Marguerite (Drew's sister) to their mother, June 1918]
Letter from Marguerite Drew (Charles W. Drew's sister) to her mother, June 1918. Describes traveling to an employment office, intake process, room and board, and her new job at a munitions factory. One folded sheet, four handwritten pages, with envelope.
[Telegram to Mrs. Drew, January 14, 1919]
Telegram to Mrs. Drew, January 14, 1919. Notes that her son, Charles W. Drew, is in an embarkation hospital and will be transferred soon.
[Notecard from H. Fay to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, March 4, 1918]
Notecard from [H. Fay?] to Carmelite (Miller) Kennedy, March 4, 1918. Advises not make knitted items for anyone she has overseas, since that is what most people send but to instead send candy, chocolate, and smokes. One handwritten notecard with envelope.
[Letter to recruiting officer from the clerk of the local board in Kootenai County, Idaho, December 7, 1917]
Letter to recruiting officer from the clerk of the local board in Kootenai County, Idaho, December 7, 1917. Notes that Harley C. Hyde has not been called by the local board. One typed page.
[Letter to Marc Lagen from John, circa 1917-1919]
Letter to Marc Lagen from John [last name illegible], circa 1917-1919. Congratulates Lagen on his commission, recommends a friend (Lieutenant Adrian M. Butcher) to look up in Garden City, New York, and reports departure to Washington D.C. to be a Military Attaché to Spain. One handwritten page.
[Letter to Stars and Stripes editor from Marc Lagen, October 27, 1918]
Letter to Stars and Stripes editor from Marc Lagen, October 27, 1918. Forwards an article written by one of the Balloon men (article not included). One typed page.
[Letter to Marc Lagen from Conway R. Sands, May 28, 1919]
Letter to Marc Lagen from Conway R. Sands, May 28, 1919. Acknowledges receipt of letter regarding his son. One typed page.
[Postcard from Charles W. Drew to his mother, July 25, 1917]
Postcard from Charles W. Drew to his mother, July 25, 1917. Describes his first flight and future daily routine.
[Letter from Herman Butler to his aunt and uncle, Lela and Curtis Butler, July 1, 1917]
Letter from Herman Butler to his aunt and uncle, Lela and Curtis Butler, July 1, 1917. Explains that he won't be home for a visit, as he may be sent to France soon, and other personal news. One folded sheet, three handwritten pages, with envelope addressed to Mrs. C. N. Butler in Burlington, Washington.
[Letter from Herman Butler to his aunt and uncle, Lela and Curtis Butler, June 10, 1917]
Letter from Herman Butler to his aunt and uncle, Lela and Curtis Butler, June 10, 1917. Speculates on possible upcoming promotion, suggests that several men from home join up. One folded sheet, three handwritten pages, with envelope addressed to Mrs. C. N. Butler in Burlington, Washington.