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14 results

[Large crowd gathered to greet Tenth Air Force and Air Ground Aid Section (AGAS) relief mission]
Photograph of a large crowd gathered to greet a Tenth Air Force and Air Ground Aid Section (AGAS) relief mission, Tourane (present-day Da Nang, Vietnam), circa 1940s. Typed on verso: "HQS Tenth Air Force, China--When a Tenth Air Force and AGAS relief mission landed at Tourane, French Indo-China, they were greeted by thousands of cheering Annamites. The mission, in search of downed American pilots,…
[Lieutenant Roy B. Sutherland looking at Mitsubishi Ki-21 Sally (Jane) (Type 97 Heavy Bomber) aircraft]
Photograph of Lieutenant Roy B. Sutherland, U.S. Army Air Forces, looking at a Mitsubishi Ki-21 Sally (Jane) (Type 97 Heavy Bomber) aircraft at an airfield in Vietnam, circa 1940s.Typed on verso: "HQS Tenth Air Force, China -- Lt. Roy B. Sutherland of Upper Darby, Pa., pilot of a Tenth Air Force C-47 which brought medical supplies to Allied POW's at Hanoi, French Indo-China, pauses to get his…
[Michael R. Yunck oral history interview (Part 2 of 2)]
In this two-part oral history, Michael R. Yunck is interviewed about his military service with the United States Marine Corps. In part two, he describes his final World War II assignment as commander of Marine Fighting Squadron 311 (VMF-311), based out of Okinawa. He then discusses other assignments from his career, including his time with Marine Air Group 33 (MAG-33) in Korea and with the 1st…
[John L. Sublett oral history interview (Part 2 of 2)]
In this two-part oral history, fighter ace John L. Sublett is interviewed about his military service and aviation career. In part two, Sublett finishes describing his World War II service, then discusses his experiences as an Air America pilot during the Vietnam War. Topics discussed include his service in England with the 362nd Fighter Squadron, his experiences in Southeast Asia while flying for…