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281 results

[Aerial view of unidentified location in Guam after aerial bombing]
Aerial photograph of an unidentified location in Guam after an aerial bombing, circa 1944-1945. Caption: "5. 48B.S. - M.N. - 3 - Guam - [illegible]50Z - 6 3/8'' - 100' - Restricted P.485." Caption on accompanying document: "140. Guam."
[Aerial view of Japanese ship on fire]
Oblique aerial photograph of a Japanese ship on fire after being attacked, September 10, 1944. The view is partly obscured by the photographing aircraft. Part of a series of photographs showing the ship's destruction. Caption: "11 YB102 - Enemy shipping - 10 Sept. 44 - 0420Z - 6 3/8'' - Rest."
[Aerial view of Japanese ship on fire]
Oblique aerial photograph of a Japanese ship on fire after being attacked, September 10, 1944. The view is partly obscured by the photographing aircraft. Part of a series of photographs showing the ship's destruction. Caption: "7 YB102 - Enemy shipping - 10 Sept. 44 - 0420Z - 6 3/8'' Rest."
[Aerial view of Japanese ship being attacked]
Oblique aerial photograph of a Japanese ship being attacked, September 10, 1944. The view is partly obscured by the photographing aircraft. Part of a series of photographs showing the ship's destruction. Caption: "5 YB102 + Enemy shipping - 10 Sept. 44 - 0420Z - 6 3/8'' - Rest."
[Aerial view of Japanese aircraft at airfield]
Aerial photograph of Japanese aircraft at an airfield, Atsugi, Japan, circa 1945.Inscription on verso: "Atsugi -- 1945."
[Aerial view of coastal area in French Indo-China]
Aerial photograph of a coastal area in French Indo-China, January 12, 1945. Stamped on verso: "No.: [blank] / Date: 12 Jan 1945 / Unit: U.S.S. Essex / Made for: [blank] / Subject: French Indo-China / Official Photograph / Not to be used for publication by order of the Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics."
[Aerial view of destroyed buildings, Tokyo, Japan]
Oblique aerial photograph of destroyed buildings, Tokyo, Japan, August 1945. An aircraft in flight is visible in the scene.Inscription on verso: "Tokyo -- Aug. 45."
[Aerial view of National Diet Building, Tokyo, Japan]
Aerial photograph of the National Diet Building, Tokyo, Japan, August 1945.Inscription on verso: "Tokyo -- Aug 45 / Diet bldg. -- Rear."
[Aerial view of destroyed buildings, Tokyo, Japan]
Aerial photograph of destroyed buildings, Tokyo, Japan, August 1945.Inscription on verso: "Tokyo area / Aug. 45."
[Aerial view of destroyed buildings, Tokyo, Japan]
Aerial photograph of destroyed buildings, Tokyo, Japan, August 1945.Inscription on verso: "Tokyo -- Aug. 45."