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[Navy serviceman on ship]
Photograph of a U.S. Navy serviceman on a ship, circa 1944-1945.
[Navy serviceman on ship]
Photograph of a U.S. Navy serviceman on a ship, circa 1944-1945.
[Servicemen on ship]
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen on a ship, circa 1944-1945.
[Clouds over Pacific Ocean]
Photograph of clouds over the Pacific Ocean, circa 1944-1945. Caption on envelope: "Clouds, Pacific area / (3 of 5)."
[Clouds over Pacific Ocean]
Photograph of clouds over the Pacific Ocean, circa 1944-1945. Caption on envelope: "Clouds, Pacific area / (5 of 5)."
[Servicemen outside Quonset hut]
Photographic group portrait of U.S. Navy servicemen outside a Quonset hut, Guam, circa 1945. Elmer A. Ball is seated in the front row, sixth from the left. The sign on the hut reads: "Structural Dept. / CASU-F-12."
[Photographers on USS Ticonderoga]
Photograph of U.S. Navy photographers on the USS Ticonderoga (CV-14), 1944.Caption on envelope: "USS Ticonderoga (CV-14) / 1944."
[Beach scene in Enewetak Atoll]
Photograph of a beach scene in the Enewetak Atoll, July 1944. Ships are visible in the distance.Caption on envelope: "Beach + fleet at Enewetak [sic], July 1944."
[Servicemen and clouds of smoke on USS Essex]
Photograph of U.S. Navy servicemen and clouds of smoke on the USS Essex (CV-9), 1945. Copy negative from a print.Caption on envelope: "Essex, 1945."
[Aerial view of USS Essex]
Oblique aerial photograph of the USS Essex (CV-9), May 20, 1945. Caption on envelope: "Essex Okinawa Campaign, May 20, 1945 / Nation. Archives 806373816."