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110 results

U.S Treasury Secretary visits war front in Italy [Lieutenant General Clark and Treasury Secretary Morgenthau]
Photograph of Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark (left) and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. (right) surveying an Italian railyard damaged by Allied bombers, Caserta, Italy, circa 1943.Typed caption glued to verso: "U.S. Treasury Secretary visits war front in Italy. U.S. Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark, Commander of the Allied Fifth Army, shows U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry…
He photographs U.S. raids on German targets
Photograph of an aerial photographer of the Ninth Air Force, United States Army Air Forces, holding a camera, circa 1943-1944.Typed caption glued to verso: "He photographs U.S. raids on German targets. A photographer of the Ninth U.S. Army Air Force is pictured with his camera, ready to board one of the B-24 Liberator bombers for a raid on German installations in Europe from the Ninth's base in…
[Servicemen watching as woman christens Consolidated B-24 Liberator aircraft]
Photograph of U.S. Army servicemen watching as an unidentified woman christens "Miss Fit," a Consolidated B-24 Liberator aircraft, circa 1944-1945. The aircraft's nose art depicts a woman in lingerie.Caption on accompanying document: "81. Christening of ship."
[Servicemen preparing for deployment to France]
Composite photograph of four images of servicemen preparing for deployment to France, superimposed over a map of Normandy, June to July 1944. The images depict servicemen packing equipment, preparing a row of jeeps, interacting with a child, and traveling in a landing boat. Typed caption: "Enroute to France, June-July 1944."
On the road to Comiso
Photograph of an American soldier walking past an overturned Italian tank on a road near Comiso, Italy, circa 1943.Typed caption glued to verso: "On the road to Comiso. In Southeastern Sicily, a U.S. soldier passes an overturned Italian tank at the road's edge on his way into Comiso shortly after the successful Allied invasion of the island. The town can be seen in the background. 13697-PPA. Not…
Prisoners of U.S. after battle in Tunisia
Oblique aerial photograph of an American prisoner-of-war camp for captured German and Italian soldiers, Tunisia, circa 1943-1945.Typed caption glued to verso: "Prisoners of U.S. after battle in Tunisia. U.S. forces in Northern Tunisia round up German and Italian soldiers who were taken prisoner in the final stages of the American offensive. These prisoners are part of the approximately 260,000…
Americans landing on Attu Island
Photograph of American soldiers offloading from landing boats on a beach on Attu Island, Alaska, circa 1943.Typed caption glued to verso: "Americans landing on Attu Island. Landing boats line the beach as American troops and equipment are landed on the island of Attu in a U.S. Army and Navy mission to wrest control of the island from the Japanese. Twin landings were carried out by the U.S. forces…
American soldiers man captured gun
Photograph of United States Army soldiers with a captured 20mm antiaircraft gun, Italy, circa 1943.Typed caption glued to verso: "American soldiers man captured gun. American soldiers man a 20 mm. anti-aircraft gun, captured by Allied forces on the beach at Paestum, Italy, in the early stages of the campaign against the Germans on the Italian mainland. The four-barreled gun, camouflaged by…
High Commissioner of Spanish Morocco visits U.S. troops
Photograph of General Luis Orgaz Yoldi, Spanish Army, and Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark, United States Army, at the border of French Morocco and Spanish Morocco, circa 1943. Typed caption glued to verso: "High Commissioner of Spanish Morocco visits U.S. troops. Gen. Luis M. Orgaz, High Commissioner of Spanish Morocco in North Africa, is shown with Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark (right), commander of…
U.S. builds huge air base in India
Photograph of American and Indian soldiers and civilians constructing a runway at a new air base in India, circa 1943-1945. Typed caption glued to verso: "U.S. builds huge air base in India. This picture shows the progress of work on a runway at a large U.S. air base under construction in India. A coat of tar is being laid down over two layers of rock foundation with the help of steamrollers and…