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136 results

[David C. Schilling]
Photograph of fighter ace David C. Schilling of the 56th Fighter Group, United States Army Air Forces, circa 1940s.Inscription on verso: "Schilling, Dave. J.C. Stewart Photo."Inscription included with photo: "Major David Schilling, deputy CO of the 56th FG, in Halesworth. Probably standing in front of P47C-5 41-6330 'Moy Tavarish' often flown by Col. Hubert Zemke, the CO of the 56th FG."
[Servicemen seated in ready room]
Photograph of a group of U.S. Army Air Forces servicemen seated in a ready room, circa 1944. Stamped on verso: "Copyright 'Associated Press Photo' supplied by The Associated Press LT. Formerly (Associated Press of Great Britain Ltd.) 88 Fleet Street, London, E.O.4. Phone - Central 1515, 7 lines). Important. This photograph being copyright is furnished for private use only and must not be…
[United States Army Air Forces 56th Fighter Group]
Photographic group portrait of members from the 56th Fighter Group, United States Army Air Forces, posing with a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt aircraft, circa 1940s. Stamped on verso: "Passed by US Army Examiner 10082. Passed for personal use only. Not for publication. 23 Aug 1944. Theater Censor ETOUSA."
[Photo board of 56th Fighter Group personnel]
Photograph of a photo board displaying members of the 56th Fighter Group, United States Army Air Forces, circa 1940s. Includes photographic portraits of each service member and lists the personnel of the 61st, 62nd, and 63rd Fighters Squadrons.
[Hubert A. Zemke speaking with General Carl A. Spaatz]
Photograph of fighter ace Hubert A. Zemke (right) speaking with General Carl A. Spaatz (left), circa 1940s. General Jesse Auton and fighter ace David C. Schilling are visible in the background.Inscription on verso: "Gen. Spaatz, Col. Zemke."Stamped on verso: "Passed by US Army Examiner 10082. Passed for personal use only. Not for publication. 23 Aug 1944. Theater Censor ETOUSA." Inscription…
[61st Fighter Squadron with Republic P-47 Thunderbolt]
Photographic group portrait of the 61st Fighter Squadron, United States Army Air Forces, posing with a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, circa 1940s. Inscription on verso: "61st Fighter Sqdn." Stamped on verso: "Personal use. Not for publication. 27 Jun 1944. E.T.O.U.S.A. Passed."
[Prince Henry, Princess Alice, Hubert A. Zemke, and Lawrence Brower on balcony]
Photograph of Prince Henry and Princess Alice, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, with fighter ace Hubert A. Zemke (second from left) and Lawrence Brower (far left) standing on a balcony during an unspecified event at RAF Kings Cliffe, England , circa 1940s. Inscription on verso: "Brower, Zemke, Duke of Gloucester, wife. Duke & Dutchess [Duchess] of Glouster [Gloucester]."
[Ira C. Eaker, Hubert A. Zemke, and other officers]
Photograph of a group of U.S. Army Air Forces officers at an unidentified airfield, circa 1940s. Identified individuals include Ira C. Eaker (far left), fighter ace Hubert A. Zemke (second from left), Wilbur Watson (fourth from left, back to camera), and Lawrence Brower (far right). Inscription on verso: "Eaker, Zemke, Watson, Brawer [Brower]."
[Robert S. Johnson shaking hands with J. C. Penrod]
Photograph of fighter ace Robert S. Johnson shaking hands with Staff Sergeant J. C. Penrod from the cockpit of his Republic P-47D Thunderbolt aircraft, May 8, 1944Inscription included with photo: "Captain Robert Johnson on May 8th 1944 with S/Sgt. J. C. Penrod, the crew chief of Penrod and Sam (P-47D 42-25512/LM-Q) in which Bob's 26th and 27th kills had been made earlier that day. Bob Johnson was…
[Robert S. Johnson with Republic P-47D Thunderbolt]
Photograph of fighter ace Robert S. Johnson standing on the wing of "Penrod and Sam," a Republic P-47D Thunderbolt aircraft (serial number 42-25512), circa 1940s.Inscription included with photo: "Captain Robert Johnson and 'Penrod and Sam' (P-47D-21-42-25512), 62nd FS based out of Boxted."