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1528 results

[Model rocket launches at Green Mountain Proving Ground (Colorado), circa 1950s-1960s]
Film footage of model rocket launches at Green Mountain Proving Ground (Colorado), produced by Model Missiles, Inc., circa 1950s-1960s. The footage is comprised of short scenes of model rockets being prepped and launched via launch rods, perhaps filmed for demonstration purposes or for a commercial. Del Hitch, dressed in a Model Missiles jumpsuit, demonstrates the various steps of a rocket launch,…
[Al Kirchner and Jaroslav Broz with model rockets]
Photograph of Al Kirchner (left) and Jaroslav Broz (right) holding model rockets at the Ninth National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet (NARAM-9), Mankato, Minnesota, 1967. Kirchner's rocket is modeled after the Little Joe II and Broz's rocket is an Estes Saturn IB.Stamped on verso: "2368."
[Estes model rocket engine demonstration, circa 1950s-1960s]
Film footage of Estes model rocket engine demonstration, circa 1950s-1960s. The footage features several clips from multiple angles, some in slow-motion, demonstrating the thrust capabilities of Estes-brand model rocket engines. National Association of Rocketry official Jim Kukowsi appears in a few scenes. The footage is in color and is silent. Label on container: "National Association of…
[Edward LaCroix and unidentified man preparing model rocket]
Photograph of Edward LaCroix and an unidentified man preparing a model rocket for launch during the Fourteenth National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet (NARAM-14), Seattle, Washington, 1972. Their rocket is modeled on a Nike Smoke sounding rocket. Stamped on verso: "676C. Photo by G. Harry Stine, [address in New Canaan, Connecticut]. Date: Aug 11, 1972. Neg. No.: 28-104."
[Don Larson with model rocket]
Photograph of Don Larson posing with a model rocket during the Fourteenth National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet (NARAM-14), Seattle, Washington, 1972. The rocket is modeled after a Nike-Tomahawk sounding rocket. Stamped on verso: "676C. Photo by G. Harry Stine, [address in New Canaan, Connecticut]. Date: Aug 11, 1972. Neg. No.: 28-106."
[John Essman with model rockets]
Photograph of John Essman with his model rockets at the Fifth National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet (NARAM-5), Bedford, Massachusetts, 1963. The rockets are modeled after the Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle, the North American X-15 aircraft, a German V-2 missile, and a GAR-1D Falcon missile.
John Belkewitch, Jr. with model rocket]
Photograph of John Belkewitch, Jr. with his model rocket at the Fifth National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet (NARAM-5), Bedford, Massachusetts, 1963. The rocket is modeled after the Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle.
[Greg McBride readying model rocket]
Photograph of Greg McBride readying a model rocket during the Fifth National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet (NARAM-5), Bedford, Massachusetts, 1963. The rocket is modeled after the Titan 1.
G. Harry Stine Space History and Model Rocketry Collection
The G. Harry Stine Space History and Model Rocketry Collection consists of the personal papers of rocket scientist and early model rocket pioneer George Harry Stine. The material in the collection is made up of correspondence, technical drawings, manuscripts, research files, photographic and audiovisual materials, and ephemera. The papers document the founding of the National Association of…
[Five model rockets on launch rods]
Photograph of five model rockets on launch rods at the Ninth National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet (NARAM-9), Mankato, Minnesota, 1967. The rockets are modeled after the Shotput (left), the Redstone Jupiter-C (second from left and far right), the Arcas (center), and the Thor-Delta DSV-3E (second from right).Stamped on verso: "Aug 17 1967."