Early Aviators Photograph
Early Aviators Photograph
The Early Aviators Photograph is comprised of a single black-and-white photograph. The image includes, from left to right, Art Goebel, Otto Timm, Charles Lindbergh, and Wally Pinero standing in front of an obscured aircraft. Handwritten underneath each man is their last name and the phrase "As of 1928." Next to Timm's head is a handwritten note "O.W. Timm." The photograph has been autographed by Wally Pinero, next to his likeness, in 1939.
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Rights Holder
The Museum of Flight Archives
Permission to publish material from the Early Aviators Photograph must be obtained from The Museum of Flight Archives.
Bibliographic Citation
The Early Aviators Photograph/The Museum of Flight
Collection Organization
Collection Items
[Art Goebel, Otto W. Timm, Charles Lindbergh, and W. Pinero]
Photomechnical print of (from left to right) Art Goebel, Otto W. Timm, Charles Lindbergh, and W. Pinero, circa 1928. Includes an inscription from Pinero.
Inscription: "Goebel, Timm, Lindbergh, Pinero. As of '1928.' "