German Aces Photograph


German Aces Photograph


The German Aces Photograph is one photographic print featuring two images. The larger image shows top fighter ace Erich Hartmann examining a chart with fellow fighter ace Gerhard “Gerd” Barkhorn. The two are wearing official Nazi Luftwaffe uniforms. The smaller, insert photograph is a formal portrait of General Adolf Galland in dress uniform. The print is signed by Erich Hartmann and Adolf Galland.

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circa 1940


All materials are in English.

Rights Holder

The Museum of Flight Archives


Permission to publish material from the German Aces Photograph must be obtained from The Museum of Flight Archives.

Bibliographic Citation

The German Aces Photograph/The Museum of Flight



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Collection Items

[Composite image of German fighter aces Erich Hartmann, Gerhard "Gerd" Barkhorn, and Adolf Galland]
Composite image of German fighter aces Erich Hartmann, Gerhard "Gerd" Barkhorn, and Adolf Galland, circa 1940s. The larger image features Hartmann and Barkhorn examining a chart. The smaller image is a formal portrait of General Galland in uniform.…
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