Browse Items (29 total)

Airplane yaw damper [Patent documents]
Patent documents for an airplane yaw damper (patent no. 2,672,307), designed by William H. Cook, Jr., Calvin E. Pfafman, and George S. Schairer, March 16, 1954. Includes a written description of the mechanism, diagrams, and a list of related patents.…

Airfoil control apparatus responsive to aircraft speed [Patent documents]
Patent documents for an airfoil control apparatus responsive to aircraft speed (patent no. 2,696,355), filed by Thorvold H. Larson, John D. Mayer, Calvin E. Pfafman, William H. Cook Jr., and John F. Kirkbride, December 7, 1954. Includes a written…

Jettisonable fuel tanks [Patent documents]
Patent documents for jettisonable fuel tanks (2,764,374), designed by Roy H. Anderson, William H. Cook, Jr., and David L. Dunn, September 25, 1956. Includes a written description of the mechanism, diagrams, and a list of related patents. Seventeen…

A tribute to George Schairer [Eulogy]
Eulogy titled "A tribute to George Schairer," written by William H. Cook, Jr., December 2004. Pays tribute to Schairer's career at Boeing and his influence on the development of jet transport. Three (3) typed pages.

[Telegram to William H. Cook, Jr. from William H. Cook, Sr.,  March 19, 1939]
Telegram to William H. Cook, Jr. from his father, William H. Cook, Sr., March 19, 1939. Requests a response from Cook, Jr. following the crash of a Boeing 307 Stratoliner during a test flight on March 18, 1939. Cook, Jr. was supposed to be aboard the…

[Telegram to William H. Cook, Sr. from William H. Cook, Jr., March 19, 1939]
Telegram to William H. Cook, Sr. from his son, William H. Cook, Jr., March 19, 1939. Responds to Cook, Sr.'s previous telegram about the crash of a Boeing 307 Stratoliner during a test flight on March 18, 1939. Cook, Jr. states that he is okay, as he…

[Letter to Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cook, Sr. from William H. Cook, Jr., March 27, 1939]
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cook, Sr. from their son, William H. Cook, Jr., March 27, 1939. Addresses the crash of a Boeing 307 Stratoliner during a test flight on March 18, 1939 and describes the ongoing investigation and impact; Cook's boss,…

[Memorial program for Boeing 307 Stratoliner crash victims, March 22, 1939]
Program for a memorial service honoring the victims of a Boeing 307 Stratoliner crash, March 22, 1939. The crash occurred on March 18, 1939 during a test flight in Washington State. The program lists the ten victims: Julius Augustus Barr, Albert G.…

A brief history of airplane surface controls and the means of actuation at Boeing by W. H. Cook, August 30, 1985
Manuscript titled "A brief history of airplane surface controls and the means of actuation at Boeing," written by William H. Cook, Jr., August 30, 1985. Addresses different flight control surfaces used at Boeing and the development of new ones over…
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