Informational film about steam buses, directed by Peter Adair and Pat Jackson, produced by Irving Saraf and KQED News, narrated by Scott Beach, copyright 1972. Created on behalf of the California Steam Bus Project, the film describes the development…
Documentary film about William P. Lear, produced and directed by Carol Schreder, narrated by Lloyd Bridges, released by the American Film Institute, copyright 1974. The film presents a biographical account of Lear's life and career and his…
Film footage of Lear Motors steam-powered bus demonstrations and speeches, recorded at the Leareno Stead facility, Nevada, circa 1970s. The first segment of the film features the bus on display near a Lear hangar. The footage is silent until…
Film footage of Lear Motors steam-powered bus demonstrations at the Leareno Stead facility, Nevada, circa 1970s. The first segment of the film depicts the bus operating in snowy conditions. The bus is shown driving on snowy roads, followed by scenes…
Film footage of a Lear Motors steam-powered bus demonstration at the Leareno Stead facility, Nevada, circa 1970s. The footage opens with shots of the bus driving in snowy conditions. Next, several passengers, including William P. and Moya O. Lear,…