Promotional film for Lear, Incorporated, produced by Norman Wright Productions (Hollywood, California) and narrated by Bob Cummings, circa 1960s. The footage opens with a dramatization of an astronaut piloting a futuristic spacecraft on a deep-space…
Photograph from "Notes on the Caproni 600 night-bombing biplane," a technical report by S. E. Hutton, circa 1919.Caption in report: "Fig. 43 'Dummy center section' (Four struts with short spars)."
Photograph of "Baby," a prototype North American P-51 Mustang aircraft, Inglewood, California, circa 1940s.
Inscription: "All assembled."
Item from the Margery Watson World War II Photographs album pages, circa 1940s. Album pages contain photographs…
Photograph of "Baby," a prototype North American P-51 Mustang aircraft, Inglewood, California, circa 1940s.
Inscription: "Baby' ready for an overhaul."
Item from the Margery Watson World War II Photographs album pages, circa 1940s. Album pages…
Photograph of "Big Stud," fighter ace Robert L. Baseler's Republic P-47D Thunderbolt aircraft (serial number AC 42-75008), circa 1940s. The aircraft's nose art includes its designation and an ace of spades playing card, and the tail is painted with…
Photograph of "Big Stud," fighter ace Robert L. Baseler's Republic P-47D Thunderbolt aircraft (serial number AC 42-75008), circa 1940s. The aircraft's nose art includes its designation and an ace of spades playing card, and the tail is painted with…
Photograph of "Shorty" Cummins (right) and an unidentified man standing next to a Douglas O-38D aircraft, Cheyenne, Wyoming, circa 1933. An emblem depicting the Capitol Building dome is painted on the fuselage.
Inscription "Shorty Cummins. Cheyenne.…
Newsreel footage of the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941, produced as part of "The News Parade" series by Castle Films, circa December 1941. The segment, titled "Japs Bomb U.S.A.!," uses title cards and brief clips to describe events prior to,…