Photograph of a German Fokker D.VII aircraft (fuselage numbers 8539/18) on display at Jefferson Park, Seattle, Washington, April 23, 1919. Inscription: "2x / 4-23-19."Caption on envelope: "Fokker D-VII / Jefferson Park / Seattle / 3/4 rear / April…
Photograph of six German Fokker D.VII aircraft (visible fuselage numbers 8331/18 and 8392/18) parked in a line, circa 1914-1919. The aircraft are painted in lozenge camouflage.Caption on envelope: "Fokker D-VIIs in a line / Right 1/2 rear / 71."
Photograph of a German Fokker D.VII aircraft (fuselage designation 775G/18), circa 1914-1919. The aircraft is painted in lozenge camouflage.Caption on envelope: "Fokker D-VII / 3/4 rear / 25."
Film footage of aircraft manufacturing and test flying activities at a Pfalz aircraft factory, Germany, circa 1918. The first segment depicts workers constructing and assembling Pfalz D.XII aircraft. One scene shows the mounting of Maschinengewehr 08…
Photograph of servicemen posing with a wrecked German Pfalz D.VIII aircraft, circa 1917-1919.Part of a set of photograph album pages related to Eric G. Peter's service with the Royal Air Force during and after World War I, circa 1914-1920s.
Photograph of three German servicemen with an Albatros C.I (L6) aircraft, circa 1914-1918.Part of a photograph album documenting the military service of Hans Eibl with the German Army during World War I, circa 1914-1918.
Photograph of three German servicemen with an Albatros C.I aircraft, circa 1914-1918.Part of a photograph album documenting the military service of Hans Eibl with the German Army during World War I, circa 1914-1918.
Photograph of German servicemen, two in flight gear, with an Albatros C.I aircraft, circa 1914-1918.Part of a photograph album documenting the military service of Hans Eibl with the German Army during World War I, circa 1914-1918.