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19 results

[Serviceman standing on snowy path, Camp Dewey Naval Training Station, Illinois]
Photograph of a U.S. Navy serviceman standing on a snowy path, Camp Dewey Naval Training Station, Illinois, circa 1917-1918.Inscription: "3rd Reg. Camp Dewey. Co I. Gt Lakes."Part of a photograph album related to C. E. Roy's service with the U.S. Navy at Key West Naval Air Station, Florida, circa 1917-1918.
[Leave pass for serviceman C. E. Roy, April 24, 1918]
Leave pass for U.S. Navy serviceman C. E. Roy, 6th Regiment, U.S. Naval Training Station Great Lakes, Illinois, April 24, 1918.Part of a photograph album related to C. E. Roy's service with the U.S. Navy at Key West Naval Air Station, Florida, circa 1917-1918.
Thousands of Uncle Sam's Sailors [Stereograph]
Stereograph, "Thousands of Uncle Sam's Sailors," Set Number 27, Image Number 19193, Keystone View Company, circa 1914-1921. Image of Navy men in formation, with training camp buildings and grounds visible in the background. Caption on reverse describes the Great Lakes Training Station on Lake Michigan in Illinois.
Building Barbed Wire Entanglements, Training Camp, Fort Sheridan, Ill. [Stereograph]
Stereograph, "Building Barbed Wire Entanglements, Training Camp, Fort Sheridan, Ill.," Set Number 25, Image Number 18360, Keystone View Company, circa 1914-1921. Image of soldiers laying heavy barbed wire entanglements in a wooded area, with more soldiers visible in the background. Caption on reverse describes the opening of new Army training camps and the specific training on trench warfare…
Air Corps Technical School: Department of Photography
Composite photograph of six images showcasing classes at the Air Corps Technical School's Department of Photography at Chanute Field, Illinois, circa 1936. The classes featured are Optics, Chemistry, Ground Photography, Printing, Copying, and Camera Repair.Item from the Lee Embree photograph album, circa 1920s-1970s. Album contains one hundred forty (140) photographs and one (1) clipping and…
Corporate Image: The Siegler Corporation [promotional film]
Promotional film for the Siegler Corporation, produced McNamara Productions, circa 1960s. The footage presents an overview of the company and its work in the aerospace and electronics fields. The first segment introduces Siegler's ten divisions (the Hufford Division, the Space Systems Technology Group, the Holly General Division, the Hallamore Electronics Division, the Siegler Heater Division, the…
[Audio recording of William P. Lear discussing his life story (Part 2 of 3)]
Audio recording of William P. Lear discussing his life story, Geneva, Switzerland, circa 1960s. Part 2 of 3. Handwritten label on reel: "Digital 7/99. Side 1. Lear story, tape two." Handwritten label on box: "Tape 1 and 2, 7-62. Digital preservation 7-26-99. Bio 10-20s. AIFF-Format. WPL audio."
[Audio recording of William P. Lear discussing his life story (Part 1 of 3)]
Audio recording of William P. Lear discussing his life story, Geneva, Switzerland, circa 1960s. Part 1 of 3. Text on reel label: "1-9 - Belgium Air Review. Geneva interview. [illegible]. Carl [illegible]. Belgium Air Review."
James Marich oral history interview
Born-digital video recording of an oral history with James "Jim" Marich and interviewer Steve Ellis, recorded as part of The Museum of Flight Oral History Program, July 18, 2017.