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Item Type- Audiovisual (3)
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- Moscow (Russia) (5)
- Russia (5)
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- Vilnius (Lithuania) (2)
- open reel audiotapes (3)
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- Lear, William P. (William Powell), 1902-1978 (4)
- Airplanes--Design and construction (3)
- Cold War (3)
- Lear, Moya Olsen, 1915-2001 (3)
- Cessna 310 Family (2)
- American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1)
- Davies, Joseph Edward (1)
- Lear, Inc. (1)
- Lear, William P., 1928- (1)
- Matile, Fernand (1)
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich, 1890-1986 (1)
- Stalin, Joseph, 1878-1953 (1)
- World War, 1939-1945 (1)
5 results
Photograph of Joseph E. Davies (left), Josef Stalin (center), and Vyacheslav Molotov (right) at the Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, May 27, 1943.Typed caption glued to verso: "Stalin greets Davies in Moscow. Joseph E. Davies (left), personal representative of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is greeted by Marshal Josef Stalin (center), premier of the U.S.S.R at the Kremlin in Moscow. Mr. Davies,…
Items from Box 180, Folder 3 of the William P. and Moya Olsen Lear Papers, June 22-28, 1956. Contains materials related to the Lears' flight to Moscow in June 1956. Includes clippings, a partial diary, a telex, photographs, and a booklet titled "The Moscow Story." Seven total items.
Audio recording comprised of three excerpts from separate recording sessions, all related to William P. Lear or his businesses, circa mid-1950s. The excerpts are 1) Lear discussing his 1956 flight to the Soviet Unions, 2) a business meeting of Lear executives, and 3) Lear dictating a report about Soviet electronics equipment.
Text on container: "WPL. Moscow tape."
Audio recording of William P. Lear discussing his flight to the Soviet Union, circa 1956.
Text on reel label: "Reel No., Date, Subject. Start side 1 from here [arrow]. Moscow trip. Speed 3 3/4."
Audio recording of William P. Lear and Moya O. Lear discussing their flight to the Soviet Union, circa 1956.
Text on reel label: "WPL-MOL trip to Moscow. Side 1. Digital recording 7-99. "Moscow trip - 3 3/4''. Preserve. Side 2."
Note taped to box: "Moscow-trip. June 26-1956. Digital preservation. 7-23-99. MOL-WPL."