Audio recording comprised of three excerpts from separate recording sessions, all related to William P. Lear or his businesses, circa mid-1950s. The excerpts are 1) Lear discussing his 1956 flight to the Soviet Unions, 2) a business meeting of Lear…
Audio recording of an aura reading for William P. Lear, circa 1960s.
Handwritten label on reel: "WPL - Aura reading."
Typed label on reel: "WPL - Hondorus. Feb. 25, 1968. [likely referring to a previous recording taped over by the aura…
Audio recording containing excerpts from an Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (IAS) panel on aircraft developments and an Easter party with Lear family and friends, circa 1950s.
Typed label on reel: "Panel discussion: WPL and Gus Raspit…
Audio recording of a speech given by William P. Lear to a Joint Meeting of California-Nevada Engineers, June 1970. Side B of this reel contains the Bell Telephone radio special "It Can't Be Done," describing engineering feats throughout American…
Audio recording of William P. Lear discussing his life story, Geneva, Switzerland, circa 1960s. Part 1 of 3.
Text on reel label: "1-9 - Belgium Air Review. Geneva interview. [illegible]. Carl [illegible]. Belgium Air Review."
Audio recording of William P. Lear discussing his life story, Geneva, Switzerland, circa 1960s. Part 2 of 3.
Handwritten label on reel: "Digital 7/99. Side 1. Lear story, tape two."
Handwritten label on box: "Tape 1 and 2, 7-62. Digital preservation…
Audio recording of William P. Lear discussing his life story, Geneva, Switzerland, circa 1960s. Part 3 of 3.
Handwritten label on reel: "Tape 3 and 4 - 7-62. Digital preservation 7-27-99. Bio 30-40s. AIFF-Format. WPL audio."
Inscription on back of…
Audio recording of band performance at Lears' Fourth of July party, Geneva, Switzerland, July 4, 1962
Typed label on reel: "July 4, 1962 party at the Ranch. WPL recounts early business career."
Handwritten on back of box: "[numerous notes crossed…
Audio recording of William P. Lear's speech to the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, Michigan, circa 1960s.
Handwritten label on reel: "Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce. WPL."
Typed label on back of box: "Wm Lear speech for Chamber of Commerce, All…