Promotional film for Lear, Incorporated, produced by Norman Wright Productions (Hollywood, California) and narrated by Bob Cummings, circa 1960s. The footage opens with a dramatization of an astronaut piloting a futuristic spacecraft on a deep-space…
Affidavit given by Richard M. "Dick" Mock, Executive Vice President of Lear, Incorporated, to the State of Michigan, dated August 9, 1948, copied January 18, 1956. Gives details about the company's history, operations, and finances. Two typed pages.
Audio recording of a Lear service recognition banquet, Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 29, 1960.
Typed label on reel: "Lear service recognition banquet. Grand Rapids Civic Auditorium. Nov. 29, 1960. [illegible]. Original. Recorded at 7.5 IPS. Half…
Audio recording of a Lear, Incorporated meeting about autopilot development, circa 1950s-1960s.
Handwritten label on reel: "Lear Inc. auto pilot - WPL."
Audio recording of a meeting between William P. Lear and Mr. Black regarding the LIFE (Lear Integrated Flight Equipment) system, Santa Monica, California, circa 1958.
Handwritten label on reel: "Lear - Info. Advertising."
Inscription on back of box:…
Audio recording of William P. Lear addressing employees at a LearCal supervisor's meeting, April 17, 1957
Typed label on reel: "Address given by Mr. W. P. Lear at the LearCal supervisors meeting of 4-17-1957."
Inscription on back of box: "W. P. Lear.…
Photograph of a Beech Bonanza instrument panel outfitted with Lear VHF Omnimatic navigating equipment and a Lear Orienter, circa 1950s-1960s.Typed caption: "Installation of Lear Orienter and Lear VHF Omnimatic navigating equipment in Bonanza Panel.…
Photograph of (from left to right) Bill Barry, William P. Lear, A. Scott Crossfield, and Dr. William Randolph Lovelace looking at a drawing of an aircraft, Los Angeles Airport, California, April 1960. An unidentified man is standing partly behind…