Churchill confers with Allied leaders in North Africa

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Churchill confers with Allied leaders in North Africa


Photograph of Allied leaders during a conference in North Africa, circa 1943. From left to right, seated around table: British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, British General Sir Alan Brooke, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, American General George C. Marshall, and American General Dwight D. Eisenhower. From left to right, standing: British Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, British Admiral Sir Andrew B. Cunningham, British General Sir Harold Alexander, and British General Sir Bernard L. Montgomery

Typed caption glued to verso: "Churchill confers with Allied leaders in North Africa. Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain (center) holds a conference with military chiefs at Allied Headquarters in North Africa. Left to right around the table are British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden; Gen. Sir Alan Brooke, Chief of the Imperial General Staff; Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, Allied Air Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean; Admiral Sir Andrew B. Cunningham of the British Royal Navy, Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean; Gen. Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander of Great Britain, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Allied forces in North Africa; Gen. George C. Marshall, U.S. Army Chief of Staff who accompanied Mr. Churchill from the United States to North Africa, and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower of the U.S. Army, Allied Commander-in-Chief in North Africa. Standing at extreme right is Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, commander of the British Eighth Army. 12610-PNT. Approved by appropriate U.S. authority. Not for use in the Western Hemisphere."


1943 circa

Bibliographic Citation

The Lee Embree Collection/The Museum of Flight

